Three Of The Best Marketing Tools You'll Love - MirrorMePR
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When it comes to marketing tools, it is fair to say we have tried a few. Some we have fallen in love with and can’t live without. Others we have wasted a lot of time and money. This business blog highlights three of the best marketing tools you’ll love and explain why you need these in your life and work.

Coschedule Marketing Calendar

Coschedule Marketing Calendar

We simply LOVE this tool. In fact, it’s our number one on the list! The Coschedule Marketing Calendar is one marketing tool we highly recommend. Not only does it offer massive value for money, but there are so many elements that, as a marketeer, you can’t believe you even lived without before! We love the seamless scheduling and sharing calendar that allows our busy team to see immediately what’s planned, sign off with higher-level approval and leave comments and feedback for everyone in the team. 

You can even view our blog schedules at a glance to ensure we optimise our client’s marketing opportunities. We love the ease of logging in and shuffling all our content around if clients’ event dates change or campaigns get moved. No more confusion or time wasting, skipping between platforms. With the Coschedule Marketing Calendar, you can do everything with joy here. The platform is perfect for implementing our luxury marketing strategies.

We can publish all our social campaigns and even drill down the data on the platform to know precisely what is working. No more confusion or miscommunication because it’s all there for you to see and do. We use it daily, and it’s perfect for a busy agency like ours. In particular, we love the ReQueue feature, which allows us to create and automate posts and send them at the most optimum times of the day or night. 

The free version is excellent for marketers just starting out and offers the opportunity to jump onto a seamless marketing experience that is usually only available to more established agencies. Their customer service is excellent, and the platform is easy to use. What more could you want from a marketing tool?!



Canva is a fabulous tool. Super easy to use, this graphic design tool removes the woe of other graphic design tools that require tech and a degree in photography and design and replaces them with joy. We’ve been using this tool for many years, and it just gets better and better. It had to be in our round-up of three of the best marketing tools!

The paid version offers more options in terms of images. Still, the free version is great for brands and businesses who already have an excellent library of their own images. Perhaps you just want to add a slick, professional finish to your perfect product shot, marketing and design. Easy sizing options allow you to re-size your work efficiently, and their download options offer various formats from pdf to MP4.


All Hashtag

All Hashtag is an excellent free tool for searching for hashtag inspiration on Twitter and Instagram. It can throw up some random hashtags. We recommend double-checking any suggested ones to ensure they are relevant to your sector. However, for a free marketing tool, it’s a handy one to bare in mind.

Marketing tools can be an expensive gamble, but we hope this blog has given you better insight into the tools that marketing professionals love and use. 


Love Marketing? We Share More Tips & Advice In Our Marketing Business Blogs, What Is Digital Marketing & How Does It Work? And 5 Expert Marketing Tips For Beginners.