Why Managing Social Media is More Than Just a Post! | MirrorMe PR
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With the rise in popularity of social media, it’s not uncommon place to see a ‘Do It Yourself’ approach in this area in an attempt to ‘save budget’. In this blog our Social Media Marketing Team ‘post’ their thoughts on managing your own social media. The good, the bad and the ugly!


So, you have a business and you know you need to have a social media presence. You create your social media channels and far from being enjoyable, you find yourself struggling to come up with great content and ideas. You struggle to find time to post during busier times in your work schedule. And keeping on top of messages and comments on your platforms is a headache you and your family don’t need at the weekend and during the evenings.


And the result from all that effort and time?


Marginal success, paid for posts & competitions that don’t get results they could have achieved and zero press coverage to name just a few of the not so great achievements you can obtain for your business.


Appoint The Experts

The fact that everyone has some level of experience across social media (i.e: Personal accounts) doesn’t make everyone an expert. The sure hard fast truth is that what you post should say more about your brand than about you personally and resonate with your audience and in a tone of voice that represents your brand. With a suggested shelf life of just 18 minutes for a tweet, 48 hours for Instagram and 2 hours for your FB post (Along with all the complexities of algorithms) what you post, when and what is even more crucial, so why waste those opportunities dabbling yourself? Saving money could mean wasted time, if you don’t appoint an expert to manage your social media as you attempt to navigate this ever changing landscape.


Free Up More Of Your Time

Creating social media campaigns that sit in harmony with your marketing and PR plan is incredibly valuable, adds weight to key messages and can enhance your search engine rankings through calculated SEO. It also enables our clients to concentrate on what they are experts at: Selling their products. We help clients free up their time from this hugely time consuming and complex task of building a long term plan. We do the sourcing of relevant and regular content, whilst giving them the reassurance that they are in safe and experienced hands.


Expertise Is Everything

Handing over your social platform user names and passwords to a newly appointed apprentice managing your social media, without guidance or training and just because ‘she loves tweeting and she’s young’ is a dangerous mix. Just as magazine editors will spot the amateur delivery and execution of a press story, so will the very audience you are attempting to engage with across your social platforms.

A full marketing strategy that embraces traditional print, digital, website content and social media ensures that your business online presence flows together effortlessly and maximises your visibility against your competitors.

Interested in knowing more? You can drop us a line HERE

Alternatively, give us a call and we can book in a no obligation, discover call  to speak to a relevant expert member of our team:

+44 (0) 207 043 2345

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