3 Tips To Amplify Your Website Content - MirrorMePR
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 Our Social Media Marketing Team are well versed in website content creation for our social media clients. In this blog, we share our top tips to amplify website content that converts.


Add Value To Your Website


When we are thinking about client blog content, we don’t just magic up ideas. We do our research and ensure that the topic content adds value to our client’s websites. The content you create for your website must have significance to your services or your products. 


Being on topic, having well-written content with proper SEO adds value. Conversely, badly construction content stuffed with keywords will not add value or amplify your website content and can harm your SEO.


Keep An Eye On The Competition


We undertake extensive competitor research because understanding your competitor’s strategy and knowing what is garnering traffic for them to their website is also crucial. 


Keywords, terms and topics are part of successful content creation to amplify your website. Be inspired by topics, but don’t copy your competitor’s content. Additionally, make sure you’re focusing on your brand’s USP’s. 


Perhaps you are a Beauty Brand  focused on the Luxury Market with a great back story, or a Dog Brand with a fabulous eco-story. Creating unique content with a fresh perspective is will get eyeballs than regurgitated content, written millions of times.


Be Consistent

If you are planning on adding blog content on your website, blog at regular intervals. Blogging regularly across relevant topics to your industry or sector will serve you well from an SEO perspective and keep your website content interesting. Encouraging return visitors to your website is going to support your long-term Marketing Strategy.

Posting new Website Content regularly will also allow you to talk about trends, industry changes or new retail lines and products. Choose a day to post, weekly, fortnightly or monthly and try to stick to the routine. Having a date in your diary to upload content to your website will help motivate you to write it! If you want to amplify your website content, you need to put in the effort!


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