Tips For Adopting A Rescue Dog - MirrorMePR
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Are you looking into adopting a rescue dog? Our Canine PR Team have some essential advice and tips for finding and settling your new family member into your household without any issues.


Search Local First

It is worth contacting your local dog charities and rescue centres before spreading your net further and wider. All reputable dog rescue centres will evaluate you and your family’s needs and try and match you with a suitable dog before contacting you and inviting you to come and meet the dog.


Be Patient

Be patient in your search for your rescue dog. If you have been very specific about breed and age or have special requirements, e.g., must be good with children/cats and other dogs, adopting a rescue dog may take a little longer to find your new canine friend. Ultimately when you adopt a dog, it should be for life. Taking your time in the selection process of adopting a dog is worthwhile for a lifetime of happiness and companionship.


Think Like A Dog

Once you have found your ideal match, the adoption agency will visit your home to check your suitability, and if you pass their criteria, you will be ready to take your rescue dog home. Remember that your dog will take a long time to readjust to living in a house again (especially if they have been in kennels for a considerable time) so allow them time to settle in). If you were removed from your family, put in a cell for weeks, even months, then put back into another new environment with new people, none of whom you know, you would feel unsettled. Your rescue dog is no different. Adopting a rescue dog is hugely rewarding but give your dog time to settle in.


Follow Expert Advice

The animal rescue charity or organisation will give you specific discharge notes about your new dog, from feeding to walking your dog and training. Make sure you follow them. These charities are experts in dog behaviour, and by following their guidelines, you give your family and your new dog the very best opportunity to bond and settle. However, if you encounter any hiccups in those early days, weeks or months, you can always contact them for advice and help. 


Read 7 Dog Training Tips For The Pet Parent.