5 Dog Training Tips You Need To Know - MirrorMePR
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Whether you have a puppy or an older dog, it’s essential to have some basic training for our furry friends. Our Pet Marketing Team shares their favourite five dog training tips in this blog.


Recall Dog Training Tips

Firstly, your dog needs to know their name! Alongside potty training for a young puppy, this will be part of the learning process. Once your dog knows their name, you can include your verbal command in your training techniques. Use your dog’s name and repeat until they look at you, and then reward for positive associations with verbal praise.


Once your dog knows their name, you can test it by calling them from a distance. You can gradually extend the length if your dog is obedient in your training session. Eventually, you can expand your training methods by hiding from your dog in the house and calling them.


At first, you should put your dog on a loose leash when undertaking basic commands, so your dog doesn’t get distracted and run off. Alongside praise, you can use treats and toys to make your training a fun game.


Leave It Is Essential In Dog Training 

Ensuring your dog understands the word ‘leave’ or phrase ‘leave it’ is an important training process and can be a difficult time for puppy owners, but one of our essential puppy training tips! If you spot your dog undertaking unwanted behaviours, then you need to use your voice in a tone that is deep and firm, and the second your dog stops interacting with the object, person or dog, immediately reward, praise and make a fuss and even play a game of tug or other games that your dog will love.


Proof this a couple of times in quick succession to reinforce. If your puppy is teething and chewing your favourite shoes or furniture, use the command and instantly give your puppy a chew toy and praise them when they start chewing that instead. 


Off Is A Command Your Dog Needs To Know

Asking your dog to get ‘off’ is one of the more versatile basic dog training commands because you can apply it to your dog, jumping up at people and removing them from sitting on your furniture. Teaching your young dog these basic puppy training tips will serve you well in the future. When your dog has paws or nose on something, use the word ‘off’ and lure them away with a treat. 


Once your dog is not in contact with the object, you can reward it with a treat. If your dog returns to the object, repeat the sequence. The accurate timing of your ‘Off’ and treat distraction are essential for dog training this command.


Stay Training Tips

You need to install calm behaviour in your dog regardless of age. For example, if the doorbell rings, you want to avoid the battle to open the door with your dog dangerously trying to exit the house. Teaching your dog to stay is a vital command. Once you have taught your dog to sit, you can add the stay command. Using your hand with a flat palm to the dog’s face – tell the dog to stay and walk back one or two paces. If your dog stays sitting, return, reward with a treat, and try a few more steps.


Wait And Be Ready For Action!

The ‘Wait’ command is different from ‘Stay. When you ask your dog to wait, they should be waiting for your next command, such as a recall or sit command, within a short duration. To teach your dog to wait, put him in the sit position and use the same open palm hand position but with the command ‘wait’, then step back and ask him to come to you and reward. Over time your dog will learn the difference between wait and stay commands.


Keep your dog training sessions within short periods of time and always finish on a positive note. Remember, some dogs learn quicker than others, so adapt your training techniques to suit your active training. 


Attending dog training sessions with a professional dog trainer can be hugely beneficial, whether you have adopted a rescue dog or have a new puppy. Remember, patience and a positive attitude in your dog training will help with your biggest training breakthroughs and build a solid and happy relationship with your dog.


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