The Truth About 5 Viral Makeup Hacks - Do They Really Work? - MirrorMePR
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We take a look at five viral makeup hacks doing the rounds, and our Beauty PR Team tries them out in real life to confirm if they really work.


The Blusher Facelift

This viral makeup hack is the perfect way to give yourself a makeup facelift. By applying a blusher to the back of the cheekbones and sweeping it up around your temples, you emphasise the height of the cheekbone rather than making the cheeks look fuller when applied to the apple of the cheek.


Conclusion: Yes, this hack works! We totally love this viral makeup hack – it works and is super easy to copy. Add highlighter above and below your blusher and blend up towards the temple for added effect.

makeup hacks

The Concealer Facelift

This trend works along the same principles as the blusher makeup trend by creating the illusion of a lift to the face. Apply the concealer in a triangle in the corner of the eye and into the side of the bridge of the nose and apply to the outer edge of the eye with the triangle of concealer pointing up to the temple. Blend in and up to the temple, giving the illusion of lift.


Conclusion: This viral makeup hack works if you apply it correctly.


Mascara Magic Makeup Hack

This hack involves curling your eyelashes and then applying a waterproof mascara to the ends of your lashes to create the illusion of longer-looking lashes and less clumping.


Conclusion: On the fence with this one, we didn’t notice a huge difference. And if your mascara is clumping, it could be time to change it as it may dry out with use.

makeup hacks

W Blush Hack

Apply a cream blusher in a W shape from the temples, across checks and over the bridge of the nose, then blend in with a sponge. The result is a sun kissed look that gives you the illusion of that holiday glow in the summer.


Conclusion: If you are very pale, choose your blush tone carefully! Otherwise, you are going to really struggle to blend and achieve something that looks natural.

makeup hacks

Inverted Lip Liner

We’re all familiar with lip liners outlining the lips, but inverted lip liners in a darker shade than your lipstick applied to the middle of your pout can give the illusion of plumper lips. 


Conclusion: This takes careful lipstick and lip liner matching to avoid looking odd and a fabulous idea for a photo, but in reality, you’ll probably remove the illusion quickly.

makeup hacks

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