Gambles That Pay Off! - MirrorMePR
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Trying to book shoots in at this time of year is always a gamble weather wise, but when there have been freak snow storms coupled with serious flooding and very little of that big Yellow thing in the sky, it makes it even harder to stay positive or stick to dates.

Recently we went down to international show jumper Daniel Moseley’s new yard to take some shots of him setting up a Verdo Horse Bedding stable and it started snowing and snowing and snowing.

By the time we had finished doing the shoot, the yard and field looked like a winter wonderland, which was very picturesque, but freezing cold and meant that we couldn’t take any ridden pictures, however we got some rather good portrait shots of Daniel sheltering in the stable (Shivering!)

Another rider under the Verdo Horse Bedding banner is Natasha Baker, but despite a hard frost last month, we managed to shoot some fantastic pictures of her on both her top dressage horses: Bam Bam and her Paralympic horse JP. One of the most exciting parts of doing these shoots (Apart from getting out of the office) is setting foot inside top professional’s yards and meeting the equine stars in the flesh. Strangely enough, I always find this more exciting than I ever did when I was a stylist meeting and working with human celebrities!

We have a few more shoots planned, so if we could just pre-order some ‘spring like’ weather that would be great!

Image of Natasha Baker. Photo by David Miller