How Owning A Pet Can Make You A Happier Person | Pet PR Team
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  • How Owning A Pet Can Make You A Happier Person

Pet owners will unite in telling the world how owning a pet has enriched their lives. However, did you know that pets also have the potential to offer some fantastic mental and physical health benefits as well? Whether you are suffering from stress and anxiety or need to get some exercise and enjoy good company, pets can be the perfect tonic. Read on to find out why our Pet PR team love their pets so much and what benefits they bring…


Pets Will Make You Smile

You know when your pet gives you those ‘butter wouldn’t melt’ eyes or chases a ball like his life depended on it. THAT kind of thing makes you smile and guess what, smiling is good for us. Apparently smiling activates the release of ‘neuropeptides’ that help in the battle against stress. The ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitters (endorphins, serotonin and dopamine) are all released when we smile. Add to this more research related to pet ownership, which has shown how pets, especially cats and dogs, have evolved to be finely attuned our emotions and behaviour. This, in turn, gives us a stronger connection and feeling towards our pets, and as everyone knows empathy and an emotional connection is the backbone to a great friendship.


Can Pets Can Help You Live Longer?

Having a healthy and happy mind is bound to have a positive impact on your physical and mental health. Did you know that pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those with pets? Playing with your cat or dog can also raise levels of serotonin and dopamine, which also calm and relax. And for those who suffer from serious health problems, heart attack patients survive longer as pet owners, and if you’re over 65 years of age, pet owners make 30% fewer visits to the doctor than those again without pets. And if a dog or cat doesn’t suit your lifestyle, even owning fish in an aquarium can help reduce muscle tension and lower your pulse rate! 


Meet, Greet & Get Fit

Having a pet can also increase your social interaction with people. When walking your dog in the park, you are bound to get chatting to other dog owners as well as getting some daily exercise! With a new friend in your life, you are likely to satisfy the need for companionship, especially if you live alone or have a limited circle of family and friends. Heading out into the world with a wagging tail and a happy heart, your dog will give you increased confidence. Having a regular routine is also great for people who need purpose and direction in their lives

And if pet ownership is impossible because of your lifestyle, housing situation or work, you can still get some much-needed pet love with sites such as Borrow My Doggie which connects dog owners with trusted local people who love dogs. Non-doggie owners can help dog owners with walks, overnight stays and more – a great idea to benefit from all the fabulous positives that pet ownership has to offer without the full-time commitment!


Feeling inspired? The Pet PR team  share their “Top 5 Idyllic Dog-Friendly UK Beaches” to explore with your pooch!