Why The Winter Solstice Is Something To Celebrate - MirrorMePR
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  • Why The Winter Solstice Is Something To Celebrate

With the winter solstice falling on 21st December, we celebrate the shortest day of the year with some wellness and mindfulness tips you can adopt for the greater good!


Look Forward Not Back

Just as the seasons evolve, keep looking forward, not back. Grasp the future and the excitement that it will bring and let go of the past. Just as the seasons continue to evolve, so should your understanding of your needs and desires. Stay true to what you believe and want. Make a list of everything you would like to achieve short and long term. These could be life, love or career goals. Think about how you are going to set about putting these goals in place. How are you going to set yourself on the right path to achieve these goals?


Connect With Nature

The winter solstice reminds us to honour our connection with the natural world, so take time to take a walk in the cold winter air, breathe in nature and excel negativity. A brisk walk to work or a lunchtime stroll is good for the mind and soul. If you have a garden, spend time tidying up at the weekend and if you don’t have access to an outdoor space, plant up a window box with winter flowering. Connecting with nature by getting your hands dirty is a beautiful thing!


Celebrate The Moment

Live for the moment and be present in the moment. If you are forever chasing possibility, you are not living for today. Each second is a gift, so relish it with the joy it presents. Pause for a moment and acknowledge your breathing. Be aware of your body, think about how you feel in yourself, and recognise any tension in your body, mentally allowing release as you scan your body.


Longer Days

With the solstice marking the shortest day, it now means that the days will now start to get longer and the nights shorter. This seasonal shift has a significant impact on our positivity as we begin to look forward to increased daylight hours and the warmth that will come with spring. It’s beautiful to know that the days get longer by an average of two minutes and seven seconds every day after 21st December!


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