De-influencing: Everything You Need To Know - MirrorMePR
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What is de-influencing?

De-influencing is social media influencers telling their online followers what not to buy and recommending cheaper alternatives to more expensive products – a juxtaposition to traditional influencer marketing, where influencers receive payment to promote costly items.


Why are we seeing this rise in de-influencing? 

This trend was started by lots of smaller content creators and then picked up by more well-known influencers. Most consumers have influencer fatigue. Promoting high-value items that the influencer might not even be able to afford during a cost-of-living crisis isn’t sitting comfortably in the current climate. The cost of working with an influencer is also a significant consideration for smaller businesses.

This trend gives back a level of authenticity when it comes to honest reviews and establishes respect and trust.


How will this rise impact traditional influencer marketing, taking money to recommend things? 

We will still see influencers working with paid relationships but with a more level playing field emerging. Just as a magazine editorial review wouldn’t score everything at a 10/10, we may start seeing more influencers giving more realistic product reviews. Influencer marketing is constantly evolving.

Like any industry, there are good and bad, and the influencers who have built trust with their followers and operate honestly and transparently will be the winners in this trend. Brand loyalty is a significant factor too. Those influencers who carefully align themselves with brands that fit with their values and morals will continue to build respect and followers.


Is de-influencing a good thing? 

For smaller businesses that can’t afford influencer marketing, it will be a good thing and allow an equal footing, at least in this area, with the small guys getting a look-in. 

Influencer marketing is big across all social platforms. For example, in 2022, 72% of marketers used Instagram for influencer campaigns. This figure is predicted to grow by 4.1% in 2023.

Consumers aren’t stupid; they understand it’s a paid relationship, but what will change is how brands choose their relationships going forward. Stats are good, but social sentiment will be even more critical when it comes to brands choosing who they work with in the future, and de-influencing will undoubtedly have its place.


Is de-influencing a nod to sustainability and the environment? 

Yes. Slow fashion, sustainability, recycling and upcycling are all trends that will remain strong. We envisage that influencers showing aptitude in these areas will shine even brighter in the future.


Is de-influencing a passing trend or here to stay?

We think it is here to stay. Budget brands, in particular, will wholeheartedly embrace working with social media influencers adopting this trend. Also, Mid-bracket brands who want to build trust in their products with a level of authenticity.

Whatever the outcome, this trend has raised an important conversation that brands should note in their marketing strategies.


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