Equestrian New Years Resolutions - MirrorMePR
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A picture of the year 2016 in fireworks against a night sky - and the best way to bring the year in is with equestrian New Years resolutions!


Every New Year, people all around the world celebrate a fresh new start, seeing the old year off with a bang and making resolutions for the coming year.

A quick poll of the MirrorMePR office revealed that most of our New Year’s resolutions tend to relate to changes in lifestyle (do more exercise, go on a diet, reach certain goals, and the like) – and since horses are such a huge part of our lives, we thought why not make resolutions specifically focused on them – specific equestrian New Years resolutions?

With that in mind, the following are our list of 10 great equestrian New Years resolutions to make for 2015, so that by 2016 your horse riding can be the best it’s ever been!

  1. I will set realistic goals (small and achievable). While any resolution/commitment to improving your lifestyle is great, there’s no point in setting unrealistic goals for yourself. For example, if in 2015 you only managed to ride once a month, a resolution like “In 2016 I will win gold at… ” isn’t going to be possible! Keep your goals realistic, small, and achievable and you will be much more likely to have a productive year.
  2. I will commit to my horse and ride more (even when the weather is grim)
  3. I will stay safe while riding (always remembering to wear a helmet and high-viz gear)
  4. I will honestly review my riding and train hard to be better
  5. I will remember the importance of basics (both in riding itself and also my choice of underwear!)
  6. I will clean my tack regularly (not just before competitions!)
  7. I will remember to treat myself instead of just my horse once in a while (well, sometimes we do need to treat ourselves!)
  8. I will get fit for riding
  9. I will try new riding activities
  10. Above all, I will listen to my horse