4 Social Media Tips For Luxury Brands - MirrorMePR
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As an experienced Luxury PR & Marketing Agency, our expertise in managing luxury social media accounts across Luxury Lifestyle PR, Pet PR, Beauty PR and Equine Marketing spans years. In this journal, we share four of our favourite social media tips to boost your luxury brand presence.


Tap Into Your USP’s

Whether your luxury brand is a new brand on the block or an established brand, tapping into your unique selling points on social media is going to be a crucial element of your brand’s narrative. This is one of our top social media tips. Your brand may have a long and rich heritage, a strong back story or just a fabulous founder. But either way, explore your USP’s often to help build a familiar and robust connection with your followers.


Invest In Your Visuals

One of the biggest social media tips we have for luxury brands is to invest in good quality photography. Beautiful, professional photography will instantly elevate your brand to luxury. Without a doubt, your social media content needs to convey the quality of your product with an aspiration focus. And without good quality photography, this will be difficult. The saying that ‘a picture can say a 1000 words’ is undoubtedly true. So make sure it says the right thing about your luxury brand. 


Word Up

Your copywriting skills are going to champion your brand. From SEO through to capturing an emotion, a moment, or a product launch perfectly can be skilfully crafted with words. An excellent social media tip is, never underestimate the real value of a good copywriter. In our experience, they can literally turn your premium brand around. As qualified journalists and certified copywriters, Our Team are the experts in crafting words. 


Appoint A Professional

Here’s our final social media tip, appointing a social media professional to manage your social media platforms is money well invested. Creatives aren’t cheap. By working with talented social media managers, you are not only adding massive value to your luxury brand but creating a consistent social media strategy for the long term.


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