Summer Dogs | Looking After Dogs in Summer | Canine PR
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Summer should be the perfect opportunity for you to enjoy time with your pooch, so here are a few of our favourite tips and advice…

Dogs can’t sweat, they pant. This means you should watch out for excessive panting or drooling and take immediate action. Make sure that your dog has water available to them at all times and ensure their bowls are not in the sun. A metal water bowl will also only heat up quickly, making water warm and the bowl dangerously hot to your dog’s venerable muzzle and face. Place his or her bowl out of direct sunlight and change the water daily.

Remember some breeds are more susceptible to heat stroke than others, it is worth noting that age also can be a factor to being less able to cope with rising temperatures. Even your dog’s colour coat can have an effect on how hot he or she gets (dark coats tend to absorb more heat than lighter coats). It’s best to reschedule your dog walks to early morning and evening, when it’s a bit cooler.

Not all of us have the luxury of air con in our homes or offices, so we keep the MirrorMePR dogs (and staff) cool by using fans inside. To keep our furry friends cool outside, we lay a damp towel for them to lie on! Our dogs don’t particularly love water but if you have a dog obsessed with water then a fill kiddie pool filled, this can be fun for them and great way for them to cool off in the sunshine (under observation)!

Dogs cool down from the underneath up, so standing your dog in water or hosing him gently under his tummy as oppose to hosing him from above will keep him or her feeling refreshed.

It should go without saying, but never leave your dog in a car in the summer months, even with ventilation. Effectively, it’s a metal case with glass and heats up rapidly so it’s just not worth the stress you can cause your dog even momentarily and ultimately the risk of potential death. On warm days, if in doubt, leave your dog at home.

Our dogs love ice-cubes so we occasionally give them one to play with and lick (but make sure its not frosted so it doesn’t stick to his tongue)! A sudden burst of cold may not do your dog’s tummy any favours so air on the side of caution with this one!

Finally, we feed our dogs dried food but bear in mind; fresh meat can go off very quickly in the heat and also attract flies. Feed at cooler times of the day also to ensure it doesn’t have the potential to upset your dog’s tummy or affect his appetite as temperatures rise.

For professional/qualified advice, speak to your veterinary surgeon. And have a great summer!

Disclaimer: We advise you do not give you dog an entire ice cube as this can be dangerous. Please watch your dog while he or she licks the ice cube (which should not be frosted) to avoid injury or worse.